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Jeremy Little in Ottawa tonight with Andrew Rodriguez


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Jeremy "Bass Laser" Little (of Burt Neilson Band rhythm section) is at Cafe Dekcuf tonight with Andrew Rodriguez (Bodega, The Sherlocks)

Is anyone planning on hitting it for a drink? I guess it won't be too long with about a 10:30 start. It seems like a good night to go out for a few tunes and a drinky-poo.

There's something about Jeremy's opinion and the acts he plays with. He's a fuckin' fantastic bassinator and he always seems to play with amazing artists.

It gives me that "I don't think I can miss this" feeling.

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I saw Jer with the Sean MacDonald Band at the Casbah last week and it was sweet. I was going to try and get to the Rodriguez show at the Drake on Thursday but the ridiculous storm kept me away.

Jeremy spoke very highly of this Rodriguez project in particular. If I was in Ottawa, that's where I'd be tonight.

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