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concerned about lazlo

popo weenie

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To quote Marco...

"these are the golden years of Jambands.ca"

It's a shame you can't say the same for your bar.

hello lazlo

everyone misses you

you are a jerk but we dont mind your friend alabama says so

come back to the board , no sucky stuff or did you really go in the priest hood? congratulations if you did. or did wifee put the clamp on you

all in all nice to see you posted anyway

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the whole 'I hope he's ok' actually kinda made me worry and I don't think i ever met him.

there's concern and then there's worry.

Perhaps we should save those sorts of things for AFTER we sent privae topics to people we know see him at least semi-regularly.

Next time can you please just say 'I miss _____'



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To quote Marco...

"these are the golden years of Jambands.ca"

It's a shame you can't say the same for your bar.

I don't understand this statement.

Please explain.

Marco once said that about some jambands.ca issue that was funny. I meant I was quoting a statement I once saw him write.

I think Lazlo meant, he still comes to the bar so there are no golden days going on over there.

Hope that clears up the 411 on the darling of jambands.ca, lazlo.

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