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Destroyer Roll Call?

Northern Wish

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Tomorrow is Destroyer, Rock Plaza Central and As The Poets Affirm at Barrymore's. Tickets for that are also $20 advance, $22 at the door.
Daniel Bejar (pronounced beËhaɹ) (b. 1972), is a singer songwriter native of the Canadian city of Vancouver well known for his challenging and often cryptic lyrics featured in many of his songs. Bejar has gained widespread popularity through his musical collaborations with Vancouver indie band, The New Pornographers, but has released far more material through his other band, Destroyer. Most recently, he has joined together with members of Frog Eyes and Wolf Parade to create another indie supergroup known as Swan Lake.
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That was being with your dream girl, only to find out that she's a lousy lay.

I'd normally cry foul at people calling "in" only to be "out", but in this case .. you win. And saved yourselves some bones, to boot.

A little disappointed, and some of my comfort songs might be ruined. Probably a more scathing and detailed review tomorrow. Suffice to say, I wish I had caught more of the RPC and skimped on the Destroyer. Something I never would have expected to type.

(PS. he's a bit of a dick)

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I got called in to work for 3:15am the past few days- I am sure you can understand my need for sleep.

Ouch! Shitty, dude.

You may have enjoyed it more than I did, but you didn't miss a whole lot. When Bejar started out his set alone, I was really hoping he'd have a couple people come out to at least handle the drums and bass on a couple songs. No go. I didn't think many of the songs worked well solo like that -- a lot of what he does well has to do with layers and harmonies and just out and out decent songwriting that wasn't coming across.

It also didn't seem as though he was very concerned about how his guitar sounded.

He was drunk and - as meggo put it - ornery. He didn't really seem like he wanted to be there. He would start a song that you wanted to hear, fuck it up a few bars in, and then just give up and move on to another. Or he would start a song and just as you were getting into it, decide that "Y'know, I don't really feel like playing that one."

And his primary strength - his lyrical cleverness - was partially negated by a large portion of the audience being bored and chattering over him.

The set was short (probably because he ended up skipping so many tunes). We figured about 45 mins, with a $22 ticket price. We thought we were bailing early (as were others), but ended up catching the last song on our way out. I don't suspect that there was an encore or much of a demand for one.

We didn't get there in time to see as much of Rock Plaza Central as we should have ... but they were fantastic. Del promptly went up to the merch table and bought all three of their CDs.

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