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Pownce invite


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Any nerds here that want to join pownce through one of my invites? It's a closed social networking/filesharing system.

It's an advanced version of twitter I guess. Anything I post or share, all of my 'friends' would get notified and can share the same files.

It may be worth a try.

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Yeah, I want to check it out. If someone else comes forward who really intends to use it, invite should go to them first though .. really I just want to poke around and see what Rose is up to and if he's built something that can out-Twitter Twitter and out-Jaiku Jaiku

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personally don't bother with instant messaging as I generally find it distracting when trying to work... if I was collaborating on something maybe I'd go for it again

I hear ya on that! Back in the ICQ days, I stopped signing in because of the constant distraction and insisted that people email me instead. I've never installed/used any IM since then, besides the built in gchat in gmail. I find I can't work as well without anything, but can't work at all with too much.

Now I tell clients that if they want the ability to IM me, they'd better already have a gmail account or be willing to sign up for one. It keeps the volume much lower than if I was on MSN or similar.

Now if I could only get this damn phone to stop ringing ...

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I still have a 6 digit ICQ number. 176944 or something. It's been a while, so I wonder if it's been canned. I remember getting scammed out of my ICQ number by someone on the internet and they changed my password.

I was naive and the person said they wanted to prank someone (and some more convincing blah) and asked for my password. I thought nothing of it and gave it to him/her. This was in 98, before identity theft was a major issue.

Anyway, the next day, I went to login and my password was invalid. I realized that someone fucked me over.

So, I got a new account and added my old account as a contact. I started sending messages and asking about his account. He said he was from the United Arab Emirates and he bought a well sought after 6 digit account number for 800 USD from some broker. I told him that I was scammed from my account the day before and he didn't care because he paid big bucks.

Well, then I suggested that he was the scammer and if he wasn't he just got screwed. I discovered that ICQ had a system where I could request my password to an OLD email account that the new account holder had no access to. Sure enough, I got that password and I changed it.

The next day, this dude from U.A.E. sent me some profane and threatening ICQ messages. Boy, was that ever fun!

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