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Led Zeppelin to Reform?

Kanada Kev

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From undercover.com

Led Zeppelin to Reform

by Paul Cashmere - September 2 2007

London radio is abuzz today of an impending announcement of the reformation of Led Zeppelin, for at least a one-off concert.

The 70s supergroup disbanded in 1980 following the death of their drummer John Bonham. The surviving members decided to discontinue at that point, claiming that the band died with Bonham.

However, they have reformed on two occasions since. The first was the 1985 Live Aid concert. Phil Collins replaced Bonham but the band didn't like the performance and refused to allow it to appear on the recent Live Aid DVD. The second occasion was for the Hall of Fame induction in 1995.

Robert Plant & Jimmy Page have also toured together as Plant & Page performing a near complete Led Zeppelin setlist but without the classic 'Stairway To Heaven'.

The November show will be held at London's O2 stadium (formerly the Millenium Dome).

The line-up will be Robert Plant, Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones with Bonham's son Jason expected to be announced as the drummer for the show.

While the announcement is yet to be made, newspapers in London today are carrying advertisements for a package deal for the show including accommodation.

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I've heard rumours that the Yardbirds were going to reform, not Zeppelin. I'm usually wrong though.

Actually, The Yardbirds have been performing and releasing records for a few years now.


The above page also refers to


which is the rumour you heard (and which came out in July, 2007).



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I have been hearing Zeppelin rumors for quite some time now.

I am torn. I love Zeppelin to death, but I fear if they reform it will be tired and without the improv fire they once had.

I have recently been transferring my brothers massive Zep bootleg vinyl to disc and the jams are crazy.

I just don't know if they can pull that off anymore...

I'll believe it when I see it.

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Am I the only one that is totally burnt out on "reunion" talks for any band, let alone LZ? It's like, great - you're going to get back together and make a mint but I can't really think of too many major reunions that actually began to live up to the glories of the past. Of course, they can be serviceable - at $125 a ticket they better be - but only merely so.

I'm not trying to be a buzzkill but I just can't see how a Led Zep reunion would provide any more value than just giving thousands of people the chance to say they saw Led Zeppelin. And considering they stopped in 1980, what really is the point in that? Just to check another one off the list?

It'll be interesting in 10 years time when all these "heritage" acts finally really do become too old to mine the otherwise floundering arena/amphitheater markets anymore.

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The article is missing the reunion with Jason Bonham from the Atlantic Records anniversary thingy some 20 years ago.

My brother who is ten yrs older than me went to that Atlantic Records party and said the Zepplein set was the worst thing he has ever seen. And he is a raging Zeppelin freak....

Keep the legacy alive and don't reunite...that's my take.

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I suspect it's quite hard to have been in a band like that and not be able to play those songs anymore.

I had negative feelings towards this whole "Doors of the 21st century" garbage with Ian Astbury, but I read an interview with Ray Manzarek saying "the three of us wrote were as much a part of the band as Jim Morrison, why shouldn't we still want to play the music we wrote together?"

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From nme.com

A reunion has been strongly rumoured for the last week or so and today (September 5) the singer confirmed it's definitely on.

A fan who met Robert Plant in London today contacted NME.COM explaining that the singer said he was on his way to meet bandmates Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones.

"How did you find out about this?" asked Plant when asked about the prospects of a reunion show by the autograph hunter. "Well we've got a band meeting about it this afternoon about it. There's not a lot to work out as it's only going to be one-off gig."

NME.COM has also learned from a music industry source that the show, possibly to take place in November at the 02 in London, will be a charity gig organised by promoter Harvey Goldsmith.

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