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How Bush Became the New Saddam

Kanada Kev

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Yes, Garofalo is wonderful. I wish she were that character she played in Mystery Men and could send that magic bowling ball into the White House to clean out the bad guys.

Very impressive, seeing that in Macleans of all places. Not to (I think this is the second time in as many days) Godwin the thread or anything, but the US reaching out to former Saddam goons sounds eerily reminiscent of the US reaching out to former Nazi goons, in the effort to have useful/practical intelligence against the Communists. But here, it seems the ones the US are most freaked out about are the Shi'a.

I hate living in interesting times.

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1. It would have been nice to hear her go more in depth about her thoughts on Harper. It's one thing to say Harper's not a good guy; it's another to back that up. I'd like to think she has the smarts, but am not convinced.

2. DEM, did you notice that Maher didn't pronounce Sarkozy's name right (he said Sikorsky), and the guests just nodded in agreement? Perhaps a phonetic guide was need, eh?

3. I still have zero respect for Rob Thomas.

4. Rushdie had good points and I think he would have had much more if he had a chance to speak.

Good clip, interesting.

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Hee hee :) - fair enough. At least, though, they know how these people are, where their countries are, and so on (having having to invade them first). What's irksome about the phonetic guide business is remembering how clueless Dubya was (is) going into office about, well, everything, and how that's just now par for the course. As Bill Maher says elsewhere, there's a little more to the job of president than just not getting blown in the Oval Office.

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I don't think anyone can get to be in that position by being 'clueless.

You can't get into that position WITHOUT someone wanting you there, but by no means is intelligence a requirement...depending on the agenda it may even be a stumbling block.

With Bush it's just the first time in a long time the behind the scenes puppetmasters made their moves a little too transparent...and their puppet never seemed to learn his lines well enough.

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1. It would have been nice to hear her go more in depth about her thoughts on Harper. It's one thing to say Harper's not a good guy; it's another to back that up. I'd like to think she has the smarts, but am not convinced.

2. DEM, did you notice that Maher didn't pronounce Sarkozy's name right (he said Sikorsky), and the guests just nodded in agreement? Perhaps a phonetic guide was need, eh?

3. I still have zero respect for Rob Thomas.

4. Rushdie had good points and I think he would have had much more if he had a chance to speak.

Good clip, interesting.

Agreed Rob Thomas does not get a pass.

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