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Ticketbastard plans to auction its tickets


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OTTAWA -- Ticketmaster plans to charge whatever people will pay to see their favourite bands and to discourage scalpers. By the end of the year, the ticket giant is to start selling concert and event tickets to the highest bidder through an online auction service.

The new system would push aside fans who line up for hours to get the best seats and instead cater to those who will pay the most.

"It has the ability to make (prices) what the market will bear," said Patti Babin, spokesperson for Ticketmaster Canada.

"We developed this because the artists and promoters asked us to. They are the ones who are losing out on the money in the secondary market."

Ticketmaster said it also is offering the auction system to stop the circulation of counterfeit tickets and to curb scalping.

Tickets originally bought from Ticketmaster are being resold for many times their regular value on Internet sites.

The auction service will be made available to artists and promoters who choose to sell some or all of their tickets at premium prices.

Those who don't want to auction tickets still will have the fixed-price system.

Analysts said the auction plan may deter fans.

"There will be a huge backlash if people can't go to concerts they want to see because scalpers, or people who can pay the most, are getting first access to all the tickets," said Adam Cooper, a consultant with J.C. Williams Group, a retail analysis firm in Toronto. "Really, they are not in the business of trying to maximize profits by selling the tickets for as much as they possibly can."

Dennis Ruffo, an Ottawa concert promoter, was also cautious.

"From a fan's point of view, I don't think this would be fair," he said. "Obviously, everyone should have equal access to tickets, especially if you're a fan that lines up overnight. It should be fair and equitable."

Canoe Artcle

Canada.com Article

How about the fact that Ticketbastard is trying to pin this idea on the bands, when it obviously their own idea, thoes gready bastards!

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I cant see Trey letting that happen with their tix sales...

Why the fuk a band would care about the secondary market of a tix is beyond me..

They get paid per tix..Period.

Tixmaster is trying to say that not only do they get paid per tix, but they want more for that tix cuz they know peeps are scalping for more?

What fukin greedy ass band made that comment cuz I wanna go burn their CD's..

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those fucking bastards!!!!! what are these people on, glue? seriously, have they ever even purchased anything from an online auction site? half the time, ridiculously high bids on items are COMPLETELY and TOTALLY FAKE -- however this is not posted, because all post-auction communication is through buyer & seller. and what, just because some jackass has an extra grand to blow on a ticket, the rest of the population must be this rich too?

yeah, ticketmaster needs to get richer! i've paid for tickets where $12 and up are JUST service fees! tickets are already expensive enough as it is, now the people who actually LIKE the bands are going to miss out? rrrr.

okay, i'll stop ranting & raving in here, but i highly encourage EVERYONE on here to click on that canada.com link, and post a furious reply! even it's not chosen to be posted formally on the site, the canada.com people will probably pass along to ticketmaster that a bajillion people are totally opposed to the idea.

i also suggest people write into their local papers and/or to ticketmaster directly and threaten an immediate and full ticketBASTARD boycott if this goes through.

the end.

for now.

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I'm going to play Devil's Advocate here, and note a few things:

  • It's not all artists: only those who want TM to auction their tickets (and presumably not all tickets to an auctioned artist/event will be auctioned) will have them sold that way. I trust that artists who respect their fans will resist the temptation.
  • As to TM making huge money off this, remember that nowhere is it mentioned where the money spent on a ticket above and beyond face is going to go. If it goes to the artist, then it's better than a scalper buying it for face and auctioning it off on eBay, because then the fan still gets screwed with none of the extra money going to the artist.



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