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Moving to Collingwood for the summer

afro poppa

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Hey all, I just got a job in Collingwood for the summer so I'll be looking for a place to live from May to September...

I am having lots of trouble finding places so I was wondering if anyone was from Collingwood or knows of a good way to find summer housing???? I would probably be looking for a place with a couple bedrooms as there would be a few people I'd be living with, although frankly I'll probably take whatever I can get

Thanks for everyone's help!

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Your best bet is to wait a bit..until after March Break.Collingwood's pricey though..it might be a bit of a shock.If you are driving you might want to live in Thornbury(about 20 minutes out).Feel free to Pm me if you want to know where something is etc.

Is this for the Oliver and Bonacini job?

Welcome!!!I've got a show going down May 10 ...I'll put you on the list if you like so you can meet the shope to shore collective!

Try these;


Local newspaper rentals

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