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Burnt marijuana smell not proof of drug: Canadian court


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I dunno, not that I'd want the guy to get pinched... But, wouldn't it be a reasonable assumption that if you smell burnt marijuana, the person probably has more that hasn't been burnt?

I dunno, doesn't seem like rocket science to me. Dude's lawyer, must be one hell of a good one!

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2 of my friends and I were pulled over infront of one of my old houses just outside of Orangeville, Ont about a decade ago. The cops watched that house 24/7 for good reason I suppose too. Anyways, the officer had us all get out of the vehicle. We were aware of the likelihood of police presence in the area so we took the proper precautions. The cop searched all 3 of us finding nothing. He then preceded to search the car and was obviously frustrated at finding nothing. He pulled out the ashtray of the car put the flashlight on it, turned to us and said...

"These don't look like cigarette ashes to me."

All three of us snickered and my friend Mike then asked.

"Can we go now?"

The angry police officer informed us that we can carry on but they were watching us. That was that. Nobody ever got nailed for anything there. Lady luck was certainly on our sides.

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