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Hello from the North


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Its been awhile since i have been in touch with many people from the south...just wanted to say hello!

Just finished my last exam, and put closure on my first time back in Uni since 1998...crazy.

Just wanted to give a heads up that I am in the studio recording a new record...finally. It is amazing all the things you can get done in the north...lots of time to kill.

Anyway I am recording all the material that never got recorded with BNB, and all the other projects that I never seem to get finished. I am working with an individual by the name of Jon at Brocolli Studios...yes I am busy chopping Brocolli. I am attemtping to play the majority of the instruments (excluding the drums).

I am extremely happy with the songs thus far... and I am hoping to finish in time to hit up a Small Tour in July with my friends the Revival Dear in tow...

I hope all is well with everyone, and I look forward to coming south and playing some music real soon...until then I will write an essay about it...


Mike Filipowitsch

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Hey Mike,

I know that Todd wants to get a hold of you too to get together and jam again if you're interested. Would be good to see you again either way (and introduce you to our wee one).

Glad to hear that you have been keeping yourself busy. Count me in for a copy of your "up and coming" compilation!



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