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cabin fever


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I saw Cabin Fever the other night. Although it wasn't the best movie I've ever seen, it definately wasn't the worst. It's a surreal horror film. It starts out all cliche - young good-looking kids rent a cabin to have a party. Then it gets FUCKED. There's a few scenes that defy description. (The kid with the mullet says "pancakes" and then karate chops and kicks in the air in slow motion and then....?!?!?!) I really enjoyed it - the ending is more like a punch-line, it leaves you smiling and wondering 'what the fuck?' A very entertaining film - not for the squeamish - lots of blood and gore. I give it a 7/10

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anyone else seen this? it is, without a doubt, the worst film i have ever seen. tit just kind starts, a bunch of wierd unexplained shit happens, everyone dies, and the whole reason is never explained.

the end was vile. i sat in my seat with my jaw hitting the floor in disgust for atleast 5 minutes. they only bit of comedy the entire film is at the very end, and it makes no sense whatsoever.

i recomend this film to anyone who wants a reason to love any other film on earth, because this is by far the worst, and will make anything else look academy-award worthy.

it was worse than speed. hell, it was worse than speed 2.

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realy? wow, i certainly would give it no more than 1.5 for giving me a good creeped-out feeling at a few points, and a few interesting scenes. i thought the karate-kid part was ridiculous, and i dont even want to talk about the end anymore. i have always been a huge horror fan, especialy a b-rate horror fan, but this movie was for me, just bad.

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omg, i saw this movie last night, and i can't wait to buy it! funniest shit ever. it manages to be a parody and realistically scary all at once. granted, plot line is similar to 28 days later (although on a much smaller budget), but the humour in it is enough to make up for anything. there are SO many sample-worthy lines throughout the film, the whole DR. MAMBO scene, along with the first speech of the storekeeper (the shirley temple one), not to mention the gut busting insanely hilarious ending. frick, i want a poster of that dennis kid, the one you shouldn't sit beside? pancakes..... HA HA HA HA HA.

and i have to say, they spent every dollar of that budget wisely, even the special effects look real. hell, this movie even has an evil schwa in it! how can you go wrong. for a funny but still scary horror movie, i give this one 2 thumbs up. 2 bleeding, infectious thumbs up... heh heh

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