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The Black Keys- Attack and Release

Northern Wish

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Not sure if this has already been discussed, but the new BKeys album is utterly fantastic. I would highly recommend this to anyone....

The Black Keys - Attack and Release

On Attack and Release, Danger Mouse is more creative co- conspirator than traditional figure behind the boards. He doesn’t radically alter the duo ’s sound so much as coax out more of its inherent soulfulness, groove and bittersweet emotion. Two versions of 'Remember When' illustrate how the duo can swing easily from smoldering ballad to thrashing rocker. 'I’ m more pleased with the sound of this record than any one we’v e ever made,' says Carney, and Auerbach concurs: 'We never let it all go l ike we did for this one, anything was game. It was just fun to make, and that’s why I t hink it’s so successful.' V2.


1. All You Ever Wanted

2. I Got Mine

3. Strange Times

4. Psychotic Girl

5. Lies

6. Remember When (Side A)

7. Remember When (Side B)

8. Same Old Thing

9. So He Won't Break

10. Oceans and Streams

11. Things Ain't Like They Used to Be

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I've liked what I've heard, but I don't think they'll ever top Chulahoma, and that excellent release doesn't better Junior Kimbrough. I really love The Black Keys though and have to get this new album. They hit Toronto's Phoenix with another great two-piece, The Kills, in early August.

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I agree on both of those pics, but I think this is the first of their releases that I will randomly recommend. Its much more accesible and the groove in some of those tracks will catch anyones ear. I just bought a copy for my uncle for his bday, he loves old Zep, Muddy, and Motown. I can't wait to chat with about this one.

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You can get their albums in order, or even in descending order if you like - they are all good, but Chulahoma is their EP and last contractual release for Fat Possum, and it's a faithful and heavy heavy heavy fucking North Mississippi Delta blues tribute to their hero Junior Kimbrough. A must own for anyone who thinks they like music.

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...but Chulahoma is their EP and last contractual release for Fat Possum, and it's a faithful and heavy heavy heavy fuÇking North Mississippi Delta blues tribute to their hero Junior Kimbrough. A must own for anyone who thinks they like music.

I picked up a copy of Chulahoma back in march based soley on the fact it was a tribute to Kimbrough and wasn't very impressed with it. I was just glad they didn't attempt to cover 'Sad Days, Lonely Nights' one of my personal favourites from Kimbrough.

Something about them that just rubs me wrong, I feel they sound a bit too much like The White Stripes, in a weird sorta way. Perhaps I've become to rooted in my personal taste of blues music I've become a tad elitist (I think thats the word I want) about it. Then again, maybe I just don't like music.. ;)

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I think it's one of the best and most heartfelt tributes I've heard. I'm shocked actually that you aren't gone on it (and I make statements like the one above just to root out some conversation amongst other things). I can get the Stripes comparison - especially because both bands are raw - but I find The Keys much more loose and more bluesy than The Stripes have ever been or attempted to be outside of their first album and a number of tunes scattered amongst their albums.

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love the keys, chulahoma blew me away i found it on vinyl about a year ago and gave it to a friend, she still says it her favorite album of all time!

its a must for everyone

It's a tribute album, but it isn't better than the original Junior Kimbrough recordings, no matter how faithful they are.

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