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Pot Party on Parliment Hill


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Willy Willy Willy... [Roll Eyes]

"Martin proclaimed we have to recognize the U.S. is our most important ally and trading partner.."

...well, these are simply facts.

"and there must be renewed emphasis on strengthening ties between the offices of a Canadian prime minister and an American president."

Noone had a problem with Chretien golfing regularly, and being all buddy buddy with Bill Clinton, why? we liked him. The US didn't suddenly become evil just becuase a sheep-fucking Texan stole the Whitehouse...and if you don't realize relations between Washington and Ottawa are at a historic low, even in regards to basic communication, trade issues (softwood lumber) etc. you're kidding yourself! damn straight there's room for improvement! It doesn't mean we're going to sell our souls to the assholes in power right now.

Realize this as well, no Canadian politician is stupid enough to cozy up to the Americans like you seem to imply Martin will....(golf is one thing) oh wait...one actually one did........remember Brian Mulroney? yeah, that turned out real well didn't it? it's basically political suicide. Canadians want our Country and Gov't to be as independent of the US as is possible, this is also fact, creating the relationship you imply is not even on Martin's radar.

"personally, I don't want this country getting more intimate with our lunatic neighbours to the south."

....lunatics IN POWER, bad to generalize, I have some great friends down there, and they're as dismayed as us!

(still love ya too bro [big Grin] )

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So is that how you get what you want, by going and blowing jays in cop's faces? So next we'll see the Pro-choice Activists marching the Pro-lifers HQ's and having abortions on thier front lawn. Or maybe the Pro rifle/gun associations marching the copshop and shooting rifles into the air...Nothing like the "in your face mentality" I know those are extreme examples but really, do you want to be represented by a bunch of disrespectful potheads? It's like getting a bunch of alcoholics to protest prohabition. Maybe I'm a prude. Who else thinks this is kinda dumb? [Confused][Confused]

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YAAAAAAAAAAAAAWN, Took a serious "pot nap" after our excursion down to Parliment Hill. What a good time, it was nice to see so many people out enjoying the day in complete freedom. Barrett I'm glad you took pictures it will keep me from over exagerating the size of that joint...JESUS that thing was massive and probably packed with wicked BC bud to boot. Highlight for me was singing O Canada at the base of the Peace Tower, in a crowd of 500, high as a kite at 4:20. Magic. [big Grin]

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