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Carnivale Lune Bleue Ottawa


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So this ended up being a lot of fun. We spent 5 hours there and it flew by.

The shows were all good, ranging from campy to polished with the amazing acrobatics of the Cirque Maroc. The video above is a pretty good coles notes version of the 70 minute show.

Unfortunately I wasn't allowed to take any photos under the Maroc tent but everything else was fair game. You should be able to see my photos here:


We even had a high end meal at the outdoor restaurant they had on-site. I had a killer beef tenderloin.

All in all a really different evening that I enjoyed way more than I expected. Too bad I didn't check it out sooner as a recommendation is pretty useless at this point but if it comes around again, don't let the price tag scare you off -- it was money well spent!

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