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Official Petition To Replace Kevin Lee With Rubber Dinghy At Hockey Buzz


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Guest Low Roller

"But some of the toys, like the chin-strapped Accommodator, are too valuable just to shake off."

bahahahaha. Sadly I couldn't find the song "the Accomodator" by Slow Nerve Action, but here is "Astroglide"!!

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That broad didn't last very long

Hi there, my name is Gerry Bourdeau. You may remember me from such places as my old Bruin blog on this site, the forums on Hockeybuzz or that nasty incident last night on Rideau Street involving a misunderstanding about what kind of films the Bytown Cinema actually shows. I’ll be your new Sens blogger, if you’ll have me.
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  • 3 weeks later...

We don't need me to write blogs...


That’s right, it’s time for another “win something decent and also an item from Gerz’s basement†contest. The rules are simple. This time around, I want people to come up with original hockey related jokes. It could be about a team you like, a team you hate, the sport in general, whatever. When you come up with your joke, post it on the forum here or e-mail it to me (gerry_bourdeau@hotmail.com) and when I feel like I have enough, I’ll take the ones I consider to be the funniest and post them in a blog. Once I do that, we will get the readers to vote (again by forum posts or e-mail) on which joke is the best.

The winner will receive some paraphernalia related to their favourite team (mug, t-shirt, key chain), a copy of Sonny Chiba’s classic film “Samurai†on DVD, a tweety-bird PEZ dispenser and more (will be announced as the contest continues). Also, as a bonus, if you live in the Ottawa area and win this contest, I will deliver the prize to your house/apartment/box along with some piping hot, that’s right – piping hot, take-out food (your choice of location).

Wonder how he'll keep my Arby's piping hot, Kingston is a long way.

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