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McGimpy Ontario's New Premier


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Dalton has apparently promised some sort of referendum on proportional representation, so if that happens, and I really hope it does, this will mean brighter days ahead for the NDP and Greens.

Chretien's friggin hilarious.

NMAS rocked last night. My head hurts. Purple's a fruit.

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Originally posted by \/\/illy:

I understand what secondtube is talking about. I think everyone does. Somehow, we need to be able to help people or motivate people to rise above their situations. Therein lies the challenge. Of couse, everyone knows that this is the problem and everyone knows that there is no easy answer and everyone knows that people get heated when they debate this topic, and that's what makes it so fun!

Love and peace!

Here's my point. Can any of these people every rise above their situations with workfare? No. They can't possibly have the time. I know I couldn't have. Can they rise above their situations with $6.85/hour? Again no. Espeically not with the rising costs of education, and the push to deregulation and private school funding instead of public schools.

Now, look at it this way. $400/month times 12 is $4800 a year. I was fortunate enough to "abuse" the welfare system long enough to get on track. Why? Because I had enough dough left from doing Dead and Phish tour to keep my head above water. Now I'm in lawschool. What income do lawyers make? First year associates range from 65-100k/year. Which means they pay from 25-35k/year in taxes? Partners at reputable firms pull in 300+/year and pay out a third or so in taxes. How many welfare recipients does that pay for?

I understand that there are many welfare recipients that won't move on to make good money, and that I might be a bit of an exception. But it looks to me like its worth the gamble even if its just 1 in 20.

Plus, what else do they have?

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