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Kenya travel advice?


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Check out this site for some "landmarks" near Lamu archipelago. I'm hoping one day to some grad work there.


Interesting place full of not so tourist type accomodations and a people who have had contact with the whole trading world for hundreds of years beginning with the silk routes. A mainly Muslim population with a great diversity of communities, this was once a place where the Islmailis held strongholds followed by Portuguese and other European and South Asian groups.

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Go big, go Zanzibar...

Inland is FAR cheaper from my understanding, the coast has been well settled, colonized and conquered for ever so lodging can be both pricey and dangerous. The northern islands and coastal areas are becoming more often frequented by pirates from the north, not for trouble, moreso for business. They do still bring a degree of lawlessness.

Needless to say I wouldn't recommend a cruise. :)

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I passed through Kenya the other day.. The only thing I can say is, avoid Akamba buslines!! We had an extra 6 hours tacked on to our 20 hour busride from Arusha to Kampala due to breakdowns.

KevO, how you keeping down there? Everything ok? you in Kampala? Drop me a note when time permits.

Had initially planned on a Zanzibar>Pemba trip, but that would require taking a week's vacation and I simply haven't earned it (for myself). Am thinking of hitting the Kenya/Tanzania border for some nat'l parks and scuba diving. So much to see, so little time!

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I just got back to Kampala after an epic 3 week vacation! About 11 nights in Zanzibar, then took the night ferry to Dar, then bussed straight up to Arusha. We did a 3-day safari out of Arusha: Tarangire national park, Lake Manyara Nat'l Park, and Ngorogoro Crater. The crater was unbelievable!! Then the long 24 hour bus to Kampala via Nairobi. There's lots more to the tale. I just wrote a group email describing it all, will post it here if anyone wants!

Blane I'll send you an update soon. Everything's good. I'm going to be in Ottawa Jan 31 - Feb 4, and then back in TO Jan 4th.. Can't believe 5 months is up! Hope all is well.

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