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frontiertown meeting minutes


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I'm having a good time picturing the transcript of the minutes of the meeting..

Rick: Thanks you all for coming down, i've got bad news everyone.. it's just not going to happen nearly as big again, the townspeople wont have it!

(groans from everyone)

Superfreak: This can't be happening!

Onthejourney: God, C'mon!

lurker #1: Rick, did you really try to convince them, or what man!?

Mark W: This show means a lot to a lot of people!

Rick: I know Mark, I know.. this has been your baby since the start.. It hurts me too man.

Mark W: You don't know the work I've put in, the booking, the worrying about booking, the worrying!!...great, now I'm gettin pissed off! Listen, the bands are growing, and the scene needs this party to grow too! we need the magic we feel when we all get together and come together as one community. (door opens)... err.. hello??

monkeyman: oo ooo ooo oo oo o oooooooo!!!


Rick: monkeyman, have a seat, what are your thoughts?

monkeyman: oooo oo o oooooo (door opens) oooo?

Uncle Ted in Devil costume: HeeeeeeeeeeYY Everybaaaaady, whats the word!??!

sorry, couldn't resist. [big Grin] I'm picturing the meeting taking place at in the middle of the saloon as well. That stack of dusty biker magazines fanned out for everyones reading pleasure.

Hopefully one day the townspeople of Durham will forget and we can cavort like many time before. in that great spot.. Maybe when ZooZ folds they can fence-in the whole facility, release all the animals and let us party there. Marineland could work too.

hope this isn't offensive to anyone!! I have lost all concept of appropriateness in my posts. [Wink]

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well I wasn't at the original frontier towns so I can't make that claim... I was trying to discretely say if anyone is interested in what is happening they should probably e-mail onthejourney because there's a good reason things aren't being posted online

LOL - classic gentlemonkey [big Grin][Razz]

sounds awful likely

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once again i don't want to get into it,, but if rick really cared he would work it out instead of running behind peoples backs and still doing tings under the table,,, you won't catch me there untill something organised and legal goes on there, its not worth the hastle and the uncirtanty.

nothing personal, i think rick and the whole forntier town crew rock. but sometimes you have to admit when your beat,

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