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Al Franken on Rush Limbaugh (Garcia content)


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....not sure how many of you are following the saga of the latest ultra-right wing asshole to fall to earth, but Al Franken had some choice words for the pill-addicted Rush Limbaugh:

Al Franken, the outspoken political humorist who wrote "Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot," told CNN he has no sympathy for the "hypocritical" conservative superstar.

"He called my friend Jerry Garcia 'just a dead doper' when he died," Franken claimed.

"He's a dishonest demagogue."

(full article below)



October 14, 2003 -- DON Imus showed Rush Limbaugh no mercy yesterday, even though Imus himself was off the air several times during the 1970s and '80s because of cocaine and alcohol addiction.

"Rush is a fat, pill-popping loser and an undisciplined slob who was turning his maid into a drug pusher, and she's the one who's gonna go to prison, and - as soon as he gets caught - he starts whining," Imus ranted yesterday on his WFAN wake-up show.

"He's going to rehab because he can't get any more pills and he's gonna go to prison," Imus said.

Limbaugh stunned his radio audience last Friday by announcing that he's leaving the air for 30 days to battle an addiction to prescription pain killers following reports that his maid had sold him massive amounts of black-market pills over a four-year period.

"Suck it up, fatso, and stop taking 100 pills a day or whatever . . . and employ some discipline in your life," Imus said, while offering Limbaugh some recovery advice.

"The rehab I went to was Hazleton, and there's a Hazleton in West Palm Beach, probably a couple of blocks from where Rush lives," Imus said. "Hazleton is hard core. You don't want to go to one of those chi-chi deals, these country clubs, these co-ed deals - you might as well check into the Four Seasons," Imus advised.

"You need to go hard core."

Hazleton spokesperson Jackie Halderman told The Post that federal rules prohibit the Florida rehab facility from confirming or denying enrollment.

"I'm sure everyone is praying that [Limbaugh] recovers from the disease of addiction," Halderman said.

When an e-mailer suggested that Imus lay off the top-rated talker because of his own past experience with addiction, Imus said he's simply giving what he got.

"Everybody made fun of me - and still does," he said. "When I went to rehab, [Howard] Stern was hilarious."

Meantime, Al Franken, the outspoken political humorist who wrote "Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot," told CNN he has no sympathy for the "hypocritical" conservative superstar.

"He called my friend Jerry Garcia 'just a dead doper' when he died," Franken claimed.

"He's a dishonest demagogue."

Sean Hannity, the Fox News Channel personality whose own syndicated radio show follows Limbaugh's on WABC, said he wishes Limbaugh a speedy recovery - but he warned it won't be easy.

"I know the Rush critics out there - the 'those who want to see any conservative fall on their face' crowd - will probably meet the news with glee and joy and happiness," Hannity told his radio listeners.

"The real liberal compassion will show its true colors here," he said.

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My suggestion for Rush's rehab: make him eat some acid and put on the headphones and play every single volume of Dick's Picks until he sees the light.

That'll learn him. How's that for "liberal compassion?"

He should consider himself fortunate that they're not going to apply the law for him the way he's advocated it applied to others. Other than that, I don't wish drug addiction on anybody. That oxycontin shit is apparently like heroin.

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rush is a piece of human fucking garbage and deserves to have his name dragged through the media mud and to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law...or maybe we should ship his fucking ass overseas just like he wants to do with other drug-addicts.


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