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Bosh a gonner?

Hal Johnson

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The Raps have imo always overpayed their players in order to get them to Canada. We've been stuck with one star rosters because of the costs while teams like LA, Denver, Dallas, or even Miami can attract some guys willing to take a pay cut to be on the team... look at Boston, vets knew they had a good chance and took a cut in order to get that championship.

As long as Raps stars are openly concerned with their business future the fans wont get behind them and it'll stay impossible to attract players on the basis of it beng a great market regardless of Toronto's rep as a city.

I think the best thing for the team right now would be to loose Bosh and build around a plan not a player, we can't keep players, but we can adapt strategies and tactics to our strengths...

except on D... :(

But, some guys can learn to play better defense, we just can't put our eggs into baskets like Joey Graham and Anthony Parker, or go on forecasts of what Barg's can do instead of going on what he gives you consistently. nothing. 10pts 5 boards is a bench player, 15 pts is not a first option, and Bosh being a first option is a joke because then no one else sees the ball enough to get a rhythm...

point being, let him go, spend the money on the deepest bench in the league. We'll never have a commited star until we've got a winning plan.

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Also true... But, I think the Raps can survive three bad years, if you include the last one, before the franchise itself is in trouble.

This ain't Van-city. Our merch still sells, even South of the border for some reason.

If we let Bosh go after this upcoming season (09/10) and then go for depth we can be a surprise in the 10/11 season.

Or we can be the same team in five years, still unable to get any backup because we blew our load on Bosh.

that sounds gross, sorry. :)

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