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I'm moving back to the coast....


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hey guys,

Well, most of you don't know me super well, but a few of you do. Crazy news indeed - I am moving back to BC at the end of October.

I've had a pretty intense time living in Toronto for the last year and a half, but I gotta go back to the greener pastures of southwestern BC! I really miss the nice weather and all my friends and family.

Special thanks to the Uncle Seth crew for giving me a tryout like a week after I got here. Later dudes!

Too bad I never landed myself in a smokin' band here in T.O. - too many commercially minded rockstars in town I guess.

I'm jumping on the VIA Rail on Nov. 4th.

rock on folks


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FatBass is leaving?

Crap, I never got to meet you man (not that I remember anyways)

Well, safe travels and I hope the sun is shining on your back door soon enough..............

I'm still waiting for you to come to my pad in Ottawa and play the acoustic Kramer. Someday baby!

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Damned if I'm not gonna be a headlight on a westbound train in about 2 weeks from now.

Hallelujah! Can't wait to rediscover the 'simple life' back home. I miss it.

I'll miss alot about Toronto too - especially Kensington, streetcars, outdoor skating rinks, the Leafs at the ACC, street meat... etc etc etc.

The VERY worst part is: Primus plays in Van while I'm still in TO, and in TO when I'm back in Van.

D a m m i t ! ;-)

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