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Jojo's going away party.


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Hey all. My good friend Jojo is about to take another step in his nonstop globetrotting lifestyle by moving indefinitely to Hungary. After spending the last ten years moving indefinitely to South Korea, South Africa, Taiwan, India, Zimbabwe, Canada, Brazil, The Netherlands, Thailand, China, Mozambique, England, Nepal, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Morocco, and a whole bunch of places I can't think of, I'm getting kind of sick of hosting going-away parties for him, but I'm doing it again.

Jojo isn't on the sanctuary, but several of you know him from his Kingston days or have met him on his most recent Canadian stop. For those who would like to pop by and raise a glass c'mon over Saturday night. I assume any interested party knows where I live, but if you don't, you can email me at todd.snelgrove@sympatico.ca

Turns out in Hungary, they call the first floor Floor 0, and the second floor Floor 1. So much to get used to...

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Originally posted by Velvet:

Turns out in Hungary, they call the first floor Floor 0, and the second floor Floor 1. So much to get used to...

It's the same in the UK. I went to an office building in London, was told to go to the 2nd floor, went up one flight of stairs, got off, and realized I was nowhere near where I wanted to be. The 2nd floor was actually two floors above the ground floor, or what we'd call the 3rd floor in North America.



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