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Starnge web-site of the day..really strange.


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This is about the wierdest website I have ever accidently stumbled across....check out the home page and women

The Devil is in the chimmey....

The "What would Jesus do" thong.



Is it for real?I feel like it isn't,but Ican't find a thing stating its a parody etc. and I know I am all doped up on meds for the last two days from being sick,but shit this is strange.

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Satan's evil plan has created jobs for hundreds of thousands of old lecherous pedophiles throughout this Godly country every December. These filthy homeless hobos just lay on their urine-stained cardboard beds 11 months out of the year, dreaming of Christmas when they can drunkenly traipse into the warmth of departments stores and have innocent little Christian children sit on their vermin-infested laps. Unwary parents happily snap pictures while Satan's obesely wheezing drunks ask their children whether they've been "bad" and whisper lewd suggestions in their angelic little ears with their filthy booze-breath and cigarette-discolored lips. How many unsuspecting tots have suffered a quick grope before Satan's little helper moves on to the next hopeful child in line?

--------------------------------------------------What the fuck - esau, you have outdone yourself!

How did you find this one?


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"This parody is copyright 2000 Americhrist Ltd. All rights reserved."

Cheers go to feeney on the Hub for finding that disclaimer,I was really questioning things about that site,kinda had a feelin'but all buzzed out on talwins I wasn't sure....and I still can't find that disclaimer on the dam site...

Back to normal,now I can enjoy that site without gettin' really creeped out.

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Every time a so-called Christian child asks Santa for something, he is praying to Satan. With each request fulfilled, parents are unwittingly making a pact with the Devil. They may as well be writing in blood, "Satan please distract our children from Jesus with all these shiny toys!" But you know what? When your little boys and girls have grown up and no longer believe that Santa is real, they will find out just how real Satan is when he comes to collect their souls in exchange for all those presents! And God will turn a deaf ear to their pathetic wails of desperation.

That's gold - thanks Esau, that made my day - well that along with the new Rush live album. [big Grin][Wink]


Mr. M.

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