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Alice in Wonderland - 3D - Latest Trailer


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This movie is looking better and better every time I see a clip. Clearly the "3D" in all of these upcoming movies are going to be pulling people to the theatre. I know I'll be seeing at least Avatar and Alice in Wonderland in the theatre in the next year. That's 50% more movies at the theatre for me. Are there any other movies that are sticking out like this?
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ain't no mocking here. this generation of 3D will pull me into theaters. Generally speaking there is no value in going to a theater anymore. big HD plasma/lcd/led screens and HD 5.7/7.1 sound make a more compelling experience at home. Beowolf was a pretty freaky experience. I saw shit climbing out of the screen over the guy in front of me's head. I can't WAIT for Avatar!

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Did anyone else catch Alice on (IIRC) Showcase over the last couple of weeks? It's a "follow-on" to the original "Alice" books, taking place about 150 years after them, and has re-interpretations of the elements of the original books, along with a really noticeable visual style. (It's done by the same people who did Tin Man, a follow-on to "The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz.")



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