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Got 100 bucks to spare? Mines Action Canada's GTA Gala Fundraising Dinner


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Hey all --- I am a guest speaker tonight at a fundrasing gala dinner in Toronto for Mines Action Canada. I'll be speaking about my experience as a participant in MAC's internship program, working in Uganda with landmine survivors. Thought I would give this a plug here! Tickets available at the door.

FB event page: Link

Attend Mines Action Canada 1st Annual GTA Gala at the Pearson Convention Center. This GTA Gala initiative is to create awareness regarding the impact of landmines and cluster bombs, as well, to remind Canadians of our leadership in mine action and human rights.

When: Feb. 5th

Doors Open: 6pm

Tickets : $100

Ticket includes: Appetizers, 4 course meal, drinks (open bar) and raffle

Mines Action Canada's GTA Gala is a formal event open to all in the Greater Toronto area. The night’s festivities will feature a special keynote address by Ms Song Kosal, the Youth Ambassador of the Nobel Prize-winning International Campaign to Ban Landmines who is also a landmine survivor from Cambodia. In the early days of the movement to ban landmines, Song Kosal became the first face of children affected by landmines when she was just 12 years old. Since that time, she has tirelessly travelled the world meeting with heads of states and other key decision makers to ensure that the humanitarian reasons for banning these weapons is never forgotten and the voice of survivors is heard.

The night will be filled with diverse entertainment, a Fair Trade Silent Auction and guest speakers including Mines Action Canada’s Executive Director Paul Hannon and the Coordinator of the global movement to stop explosive investments, Roos Boer.


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