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BONNAROO annoucement is on friday!


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Aren't the people that were behind the logistics (ie not the promotors, but the planners) the same ones that have always done Phish's fests? That would lend to the possibility of them being there maybe?

But really, that'd probably bring too many folks out.

Myself its all about the Dead, WSP, SCI (are you allowed to like WSP & SCI? Are there rules about that? just kidding)

Neil would be hella fun too...

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trey was rumoured to have a large part in making last year happen. And his speach at the end of it (drugs or no drugs) showed he really cared about it. For that reason, I think there is a chance phish would play it this year. However, I doubt they would be on the initial line-up. Maybe a late edition.

I also think there may be 100,000 tickets this year.

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