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David Hasselhoff Roast


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Did anyone watch this roast yet? It's on torrents but it will be broadcast on sunday from the comedy network in Canada. I've heard great things about it yet some of the roasters sound like they could bomb. Jerry Springer.....really? I hope his writers did well.

Comedy Central hauled out Seth MacFarlane, Pam Anderson, Gilbert Gottfried, Lisa Lampanelli, Jerry Springer, Hulk Hogan, George Hamilton, Jeff Ross and marinated them in self deprecation at last night. And the best joke of the night has to go to roast meister Gilbert Gottfried, who delicately balanced great gibes at The Hoff and Pam, and threw in a fat joke at Lisa Lampanelli for good measure
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Watched it last week. Lots of fun. Yes, Springer was a bit out of place and awkward. He got burned a number of times as did George Hamilton. Was impressed with Whitney Cummings. Much more so than

Well worth watching. Lisa Lampenelli's reactions were a bit annoying after a while.

Hoff and his dancing chicks! oogachuggachugga oogachugga chuggaa I just got a feeling, deep inside of me ...

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