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TRON in 3D

Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

Saw it last night in a refurbished old Victorian playhouse in East London. Every seat in the house was a lazyboy style seat, with enough leg room to stretch out. 10/10 for the venue.

Although the dialogue was pretty basic, the visual effects definitely make this movie a great way of spending your leisure budget. The story is good, but with a few glaring logic gaps in favour of movie dramatics.

The 3D technology used was Xpand's active stereo, and therefore had it's inherent banding issue. Given that my company actually designs these sorts of systems we have experience with 3D, and therefore can see the inferior performance. A less experienced viewer however may not be bothered by it, and will probably be blown away.

Note: Only parts of the movie are in 3D.

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The scenes that take part in the real world are not filmed in 3D. They basically occur at the beginning and the end of the movie.

The scenes that take part in the Grid are filmed in 3D. Maybe I was expecting too much but as I said in my previous post... Underwhelming.

However the movie is fun and refers back to a lot of the original characters. Sets itself up for a sequeal as well.

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