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Nathan Moore communal album


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Nathan Moore is trying a new experiment. He's calling for all musicians to contribute to his next album. Basically he's setup a site where he's loaded it up with blueprints and tracks of his new songs and wants people to take them, load up garage band and record parts to send in. He's got a nice little tutorial on how to do this over here.

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so nathan has been adding layers upon layers on his album from people coming to his studio, him going to others places of recording, but mostly via SKYPE! it works! His reference tracks on http://www.hippyfiasco.com/therecord.html are all up to date with his latest on-the-fly mixes and I watched Marco Benevento on skype/ustream lay down his part and then heard the result the next day in the mix.

For shitz-and-gigglez I suggested tambourine last night on the ustream chat and Nathan said "Skype it in!". I called in, setup my mic and headphones, downloaded his latest mix of "Just Sayin" and played a mean tambourine. Today it's in the mix. Check it out.

I encourage everyone to get involved in this record, especially if you have an odd instrument/sound to add to his songs. He's already got some of the best keys/guitarists/drummers/mandoliners playing.

Maybe Dave-O could banjo-skype something in? Just sayin.

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