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Grand Theft Bus - London, last night


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ohhhhhh my goodness, what an evening. the chatham crew did not disappoint, and GTB was sooooo fun!!!

i spent the entire day in bed trying to sleep... but i'm pretty sure i haven't slept yet.. feelin okay though.

i was also super stoked to meet sunshine, scottieking, mk, thorgnor, show whore... i hope i didn't forget anybody. fun fun fun.

hey canned beats, how about some volcanoes tomorrow? ha ha ha....

happy recuperation everyone!

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I'm STILL up.

it's 7:25 PM...after the show, I went to 960 richmond(thanks) and then to tim and vil's place...the chatham bonanza.

after that I took the party to my place with the chatham party minus meggo and brahm.

then I went to work. 10-6 on the telephone...

...so i'm hurtin. going to be in bed shortly.

thanks for coming out everyone. it really helped. I was pleased with the turnout but I'm glad it wasn't as good as it could be.

the room was full and everyone was having fun. that's important.


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Drove from london to KW at 10am. Beerstored from 12-5. Got home fell asleep and just woke up. Sleep is screwed now! Who wants to party?

Sunshine and ScottieKing, wicked to finally meet you guys. HOpe to see you in Kitchener for the nero show in a couple of weeks or Deisel Dog after that.

Grand theft bus, what can i say, awesome. The jams seemed shorter but i'm loving the new stuff, keep it up fellas. Stonehenge was a great place for a show too, hope to see many more bands there.

Going back to bed now, Thorgnor, what the hell happened to ya dude???? Thorgy got stranded in London last night because he didn't come home before i had to leave for work. Were you a bad Thorgnor? Let me know your OK brother!

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Wow! What a fun night!!!! Thanks to the Bus and Rob!!! It was great to see everyone that travelled from out of Town!

Meggo, Schwa --- great to meet you! Great to see Stu-dog in London!

Oh and you Chatam boys... you stole my heart once again.... always a blast! [Wink]

What a wonderful week full of music!!!! Constant smiles.

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