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Stephen Franke & NFTT


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Well, what can i say about this band?

My ass hasn't been kicked so hard since Antibalas in the Spring. Imagine Scofield, take away the gimmicks, add some soul, add some amazing song writing; the result, Stephen Franke.

My writing cannot do this band justice. It was very refreshing to see a band play so well, so structured, and yet so free...

Within the first two songs, everyone was saying, wow, finally a replacement for Jukejoint. For those who has seen JJ, they know how much of a compliment that is...

The drummer was spectacular. No "four to the floor" last night. Thank god. The band has an amazing attitute towards playing...great guys taboot.

They mentioned they'll be around this upcoming spring, with a new album. Summer 2004 look out, they managed to get some great slots in the jazz fest, possibly opening for the headlining act (who they wouldn't give up...)

So refreshing to see. Gives me a renewed hope in our Scene. Yes bands can jam. But lately i was starting to wonder if they could do anything else but jam?

What a breath of fresh air Stephen Franke and Noises from the Tool Shed was. Too bad only a few of us caught it. Didn't matter though. The band played their hearts out for the five or so of us...

Definately the best show i've seen in a few months, possibly the best bar show i've seen this year.

Thank you boardies for recommending SF & NFTT, last night just would have been a bore. Now, i have a new favorite band....well, them, Fatties, and Jomomma.

[big Grin][big Grin][big Grin]

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