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Only jon and scottieking post here!


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I see only one option - first, let us all join in a cyber wake and bake.

next, i will browse for a new avatar, the last thing i need is to hear that good ol' velvet was found twitching and drooling on himself...muttering something like: budda, budda, snick, yip yip yip, injuns!

thirdly, and perhaps most importantly i will download another show from the may 77' run....thereby adding new balance to the universe!

good morning folks!

- hey did i mention that my wife and kids just went away for a week? puff puff puff.....snort, snort, .....hahahahahahahah [big Grin]

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Originally posted by jon:

I see only one option - first, let us all join in a cyber wake and bake.

next, i will browse for a new avatar, the last thing i need is to hear that good ol' velvet was found twitching and drooling on himself...muttering something like: budda, budda, snick, yip yip yip, injuns!

thirdly, and perhaps most importantly i will download another show from the may 77' run....thereby adding new balance to the universe!

Sounds like a good morning... [smile]

Myself, I'm heading over to the Island in a bit for a little disc golf... [big Grin]

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Does this mean I can keep mine? I'm too hungover to care. Now this wake and bake thing has some merit.

Velvet, if confusion continues, it is best not to stare directly at the magic hat. It's still fully charged from moe. and nero last week.

C-hippie, disc away! I went glowie golfin for the first time on Friday night. What a blast!

And Jon, thank you for clearing up the confusion. On your guidance, I think it's going to be a 77 kind of day.

Happy Sunday.

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We all had glowing or painted discs and an old camera to flash'em three times before every hole. We played in a super tree'd in area so the playing field was fairly even and the ONLY time it's cool to watch your disc hit a tree and change directions. As for cold, it was beautiful. Touques on, beers out, doobs burnin, wicked night.

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