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Origin of clapping at shows


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So as I dose myself heavily with phunkiphied phall '97 phish... i remember that this was the year the glow stick wars started, as did that annoying clapping that somehow caught on with the crowd. As a taper, I absolutely can't stand it... when I feel good, i dance..NOT CLAP!!

But the trend has caught on and gotten bigger. Now at cheesy incidents, the happy-go-lucky cheeseheads can't get enough of their clapping!

And I know that the trend has spread to many bands.

Not that 'clapping to a beat' started with phish, but that is when I noticed it...

I'm wondering - did people 'clap to a beat' at dead shows back in the day?!?!

I don't remember hearing any dead tapes with it... but i wonder. I mean, people have been clapping for...oh..thousands of years..or.. since we've had hands - No?!?

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The Tambú

The tambú was not just a dance for the Afro-Curaçao people, as the colonial authorities, well-to-do whites, and Roman Catholic missionaries concluded. Nor was it merely ’simple public entertainment for relaxation and amusement’, as labelled by the colonial legislator. It was a way of life. Tambú was one expression of the folk belief of the black Curaçao slaves and also of the Afro-Curaçao workers and farm labourers of the lowest social class after the abolition of slavery in 1863. Tambú was an element of the complex of inter-related historical and religious Afro-American cults which grew up everywhere they were taken as a result of the massive forced emigration of Africans in the days of slavery and the slave trade. Comparable folk manifestations include the calinda of Trinidad, the winti of Surinam, the palo monte of Cuba, and the candomblé and macumba of Brazil. The music of the tambú was originally made on only two instruments: a single-skinned drum, the tambú , and an iron idiophone, the heru. Hand clapping (brasa) and stamping the heels are essential elements of tambú music. The drum is the central instrument. For so long as anyone can remember the drummer has been a man, while the singer has been a woman. Singing is regarded as one of the most important aspects of the tambú .

[big Grin]

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headygouda, you'll like this

I remember 'moments' when clapping happened at Dead shows, aside from the standard I Know You Rider ending, Aiko/WomenRSmarter, and the Uncle John's Band part.

Thankfully, they were just those moments, and didnt reappear. Something feels fresh when that happens.

Anyways, have a look at that editorial. Its a fantastic read...............

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YYEEESSS!!! That was EXACTLY what i was talking about re: glowsticks (not clapping) !!!

That is something else that has caught on and kept rolling (unfortunately!). The went hood was certainly where it started.. and as i listened to 12/13/97 hood today, trey even says 'turn of the lights' and you can hear the crowd ROAR as the glowsticks take flight.

Its funny that the author comments on the crowd pre vs post-glowstick hood! Why? Because since '94, i have not heard a 'PEAKED' hood, where trey hits that top sweeeeettt note that he always used to. I think the fall '96 omaha show came close, one of the longest held notes ever by trey, but even that hood only teases the peak.

enough hood rant - bring back the peak!!

Boooooo on glowsticks.

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