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Let the CRTC know what you think


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I wasn't going to bother posting this here as I assumed most folks knew/know about trash TV's (Sun media - aka Fox News North) application for mandatory carriage on Canadian TV and how to go about filing an intervention with the CRTC. As they step up the misinformation and outright lies as they slowly sink I figured I may as well try and help counter. Currently it appears the general public is against this happening, but as we have all come to learn, as with our current gov't, the appearance of public general consensus isn't always as it seems. (rumor from anon grp is QMI is asking cpc MP/ministers for help) As well, our federal gov't never plays fair as we've seen with cpc ministers using gov't websites for partisan attacks (for example), but that's another story.

Of course noted Canadian racist Ezra Levant is on a verbal rampage, attacking everyone and any group that opposes it - even to the point of making fun of peoples living conditions, appearances or religious beliefs etc (unrelated: currently he's taking to making fun of Chief Spence's weight). The verbal diarrhea and hypocrisy coming from this hate monger is beyond reprehensible. No Canadian should be required to pay for the hate and racism he promotes, so this brings me to my point..

If you oppose (or support I suppose) being required to pay for this garbage on basic cable let the CRTC know by filing an intervention on their website, it's not hard and only takes a couple minutes.


"Sun , he wrote, “is not, nor has it ever, asked for ‘mandatory carriage’ by cable or satellite companies.†Why, the very idea: “this would be tantamount to a tax on everyone with cable or satellite service.†- Former Sun vice-president & communications director for Harper, Kory Teneycke.

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I did read that AD, Coyne is one of numerous journalists I follow twitter, although I hardly agree with everything he reports/says I have to agree with him about that.

Coyne and Levant had quite a back and forth on twitter last night actually - Levant got owned. Coyne was clear, concise and most of all, rational in his views whereas Levant was simply making outlandish remarks, grasping at straws claiming they [sun news] were a hard hitting credible news source that produces more Canadian content then CTV. Generally making blanket statements with little to no weight at all, and whining about the "media party" going on and the vicious attacks against him, SNN and free speech. Near the end Levant said he would quote Coyne "verbatim!" on some remark he made in what appeared to be an attempt to discredit or shame him. Coyne's response was perfect: "Go for it. Meanwhile, I will be arguing for alienating the CBC subsidy and abolishing the CRTC. What will you be arguing for?"

It was quite entertaining.

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And when my computer craps out?

No use for netflix (Cdn or US version), same with Hulu, don't see the point in paying for numerous sports packages when all the games I want to watch, plus HBO Canada & AMC are on my basic cable - which is also how I get my telephone and internet.

Simpler solution would be to let me pick the channels I wish to watch and pay for them, instead of a package here, a package there and a VPN.

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Those are available through multiple devices, not just a computer. They go with you too when you're travelling.

These are all internet access ... you can get your phone cheaper than from the cable company too (try Vonage for $20)

Cable won't change anytime soon ... not until their hand is forced. They make way too much money by forcing their pricing patterns on everyone. But if you get what you need through basic cable then just stick with it and go through iTunes or something for the HBO/AMC stuff.

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Ok, I've deleted and now re-posted my reply to be more clear/relevant to your post. I misread your reply the first time. My apologies.


Out of curiosity, what other devices are available for those services?

As for vonage, after talking to a neighbour and friend who had it for awhile decided it wasn't for me. Neighbour is still in court over discovering a "phantom" number attached to her account (not 100% on what that is) and I prefer dealing with IT support based in Canada (more specifically, in Hamilton).

Anyway, where I am in Hamilton I have the choice between dial up from Bell and my cable provider (Source Cable), even Teksavvy isn't available to me.

With two telephone lines, internet and digital cable my bill is about $110-120 a month with no cap. I get 1000 minutes free LD (North America), and for some reason they have never charged us for calling my brother (in Scotland, UK), and my local calling area is really large. For example, I can call GTA, Port Dover, Brantford, to name a few, all locally.

Perhaps not the cheapest deal going, but it's all local and 100% Canadian. For me, that makes it worth it.

As mentioned HBO/AMC are part of my digital cable package (AMC part of basic even). As well TSN, TSN2, SNE, SNW, NFL, RSP and SN1 are included.

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