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Phish Molson Amp traffic...


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I was just stuck on Lakeshore for over an hour right in front of the amp, this was partially because of the rain but mostly due to the car fire 15 cars in front of me. The flooding wasn't too bad and should be gone by Tuesday morning.

The area is fucked right now because of the Toronto Indy (fencing/barricades) If you are approaching the amp from downtown along Lakeshore you can't turn left into the amp parking lot (be prepared to go into the exhibition side parking before you hit Strachan) and subsequently after the phish show you can't turn left out of the amp parking lot to head west on Lakeshore. Also you can't walk across Lakeshore anywhere because of the barricades other than the bridge that goes from the box office to the exhibition parking lot and at Strachan I believe.

I said this in another thread but will put it here also, the bridge crossing the Gardiner by medieval times is closed, hindering the most direct path to the Burt show, take Strachan up to queen if you're heading to BNB after.

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You will have to cross Lakeshore at The spot C towns mentiond. No underground tunnels that I'm aware of.

Walking is very doable but the Indy fencing might mess up the easiest routes.

C-towns advice seems pretty solid.

Make sure you take the right bridge across because it can mess you up If you try to take the wrong one- I've had it f up my go train plans in the past.

I'm so excited I can't sleep, even though I'm super tired.

Edited by Guest
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Still no word either way from Phish/LN or the venue. Strange. I've got the news on and TO is a total mess in a lot of spots and they're urging people to stay home and off the roads. Good news is it didn't rain all night and I see the sun almost trying to poke through...

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Still no word either way from Phish/LN or the venue. Strange. I've got the news on and TO is a total mess in a lot of spots and they're urging people to stay home and off the roads. Good news is it didn't rain all night and I see the sun almost trying to poke through...

Yeah, I'm leaving Ottawa shortly. Was hoping to have confirmation one way or the other before leaving, but I guess I'll just hope for the best.

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