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mini disk player or mp3 player


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Hi...anyone have any opinions...i am thinking of getting a mp3 player or mini disk player. I am leaning towards mini disk because at the price range i am looking at i can store more music. The problem with the mp3 players is many of them arnt expandable. At least the mini disk player can hold lots of songs on lots of disks. I already have a great cd player but doesnt play mp3's but dont want to replace it cause i like it a lot. Sorry if this does not make sense...and i would also like to know what is a good completely instrumental cd to buy. Thanks a lot.

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I'm not a fan of mp3's but I have checked a few out for replacements to walkman/disc man because of the large playlist they can carry without having to carry many mini discs on ya,so if its for putting in your pocket and hittin the streets with some fine music then I would go mp3 player,also I believe you can upload music from your computer to them.

As for instrumental discs :

Anything from :

Drums & Tuba

Mike Oldfield


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I say go minidisc, but don't just get a player: get a player/recorder. Recordable MDs are cheap (a couple of bucks each), and with even a just-plug-it-in dictation-style mic, you can start taping shows! (If you get one, make sure it has line-in and mic-in.)

I've heard stuff dave-O's taped this way (IIRC, he had the MD stuck in a pocket with the mic sticking out of it), and it sounds pretty good; far better than the worst quality recording of a show I've heard.



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Originally posted by Jakis:

...and i would also like to know what is a good completely instrumental cd to buy. Thanks a lot.

Try thousands of jazz cds.

But for now, Coltrane's " Blue Train ", " Giant Steps ", " My Favourite Things " or Miles Davis' " Kind Of Blue " etc... will do.

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I like Mini-Disc - but MP3 certainly has it's advantages. The larger ones have amazing capacity, but are bulky. All the one's that aren't the ones that play a CD with MP3's on it are skip free - so if u want it for running or something - go that way.

Otherwise, the Mini-Disc is the way to go. It offers unlimited expansion - limited only by the amount of discs u are willing to buy/record/take with u. That's key on the road i find - if u are limited to 128 megs or even a gig, u may get tired of stuff fast. The NetMD seems to allow for digital transfers, similar to the MP3 player from your USB port, so it's not in real time. You get to fit a pretty hefty amount of MP3s on a NetMD disc as well, if that's what you are looking for. But Mini-Disc will also allow you to transfer high quality WAV files without the loss u get when converting to MP3. As for the skipping - i don't jog so I've never run into a problem. Until my player got stolen, I used it frequently while skiing, snowboarding and biking and never had a problem.

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