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All the pseudo-trance bands can learn a thing


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or two from King Sunshine.

They played the way trance should be played (in my opinion).

three piece horns, electric merimba, 9-10 members, soulfull singer; i think she kept things much more alive and real than your average generic trance band.

Well, i'm not diving too far into this review. Allz i can say is, i now have a hope for this style of music.

This was the first time i've been truely impressed from a band that lays 'four to the floor' pretty much all night.

Same vein as GTB, JSB, Wassabi, ... just more entertaining.

KS reminded more of Antibalas or something of that nature....more real and alive.

That is all.

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really good band for sure, enjoyed the percussion and the horns a lot... really good grooves for a young band

I definately wouldn't quite put them above the fore-mentioned though

it wasn't packed but it wasn't empty, two people dancing kind of says it all

if I had to choose I'd take my Wassabi or my bus

but again, totally good band worth checking out

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Seemed like college-music-program music for the masses to me - really enjoyable, though I doubt any other bands are shaking in their boots at the arrival of King Sunshine and their rather generic R&B/funk/house hybrid. Less "world beat" than Wassabi, definitely more of an urban sound.

It was a nice change of pace though, to see a horn section and a sultry lead singer gracing the PJC "stage". They were very versatile and classy, lots of fun, good energy and good original material. The percussion player was particularly fascinating. I'd check them out again no problem, they were good. However, "Show Of The Year" it was not....

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i think musically, they are definately the most talented in that style of music.

I just dont think they have had the experience that the bands i listed above have...

That actual musicmanship (is that a word?) was far above what i've seen personally, in that style of music...

The only drawback was the guitarist...but it was almost a joy to see a band where the guitarist was just that, a guitarist. no blazing solos, no pedal wanking, just playing.

Of course what got me was the horn section. Yes, probably all still in college, but i think that was what i liked about them. They were skilled, talented, and having FUN. Something i seem to see less and less. Bands having fun.

Anyways, all that matters is there is a 10 piece funk-groove-house band from Toronto that blows my mind.

I'd definately trip on out to Toronto to see these guys on a weeknight, something i dont do very often.

But definately not the show of the year!!!

i think we should bug the whore about that for a while...

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so, uh, all these other 3 and 4 piece rock bands that tend to find the dance beat a great way to get people moving should get a horn section, percussion and become a totally different band?

Why should a band tailor their sound - the one that is created when they play, that they choose through their relationships to their own instruments, playing styles and bandmates - to sound more like what you crave?

King Sunshine is a very good band in their own right - well produced, full sounding songs but they aren't anything new or original. Dance bands have been around since the dawn of disco, and there's lots to choose from in the last 20 years. Lots of awesome ones with soulful singers, percussion, horns...

The 'trance' moniker is way overused....in techno circles it's one division of the electronic pie with many subdivisions within it. Probably the only musical genre littered with more mindless shit than country and western or adult contemporary.

But bands that tap it with a little taste in mind are a far cry from the depths that trance has sunk to...sure there are lots of bands that maybe have a different angle on 'taste' and excepting the New Deal who has lifted 1995 trance hits licks and sounds ad nauseum there are others that seem to understand only the 'formula' and not necessarily the ingredients.

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so, uh, all these other 3 and 4 piece rock bands that tend to find the dance beat a great way to get people moving should get a horn section, percussion and become a totally different band?

Nope, not at all...

But what I took from KS is a multi-level style of dance music.

YOu have the base. It was a consistent drummer. Something that most of these bands have. But added to that sound is a percussionist who reminded me a lot of Cyro Batista. The three piece horns added a multi layer effect.

Filling out the sound with horns or percussion is a great thing that I believe makes a constant drive sound more full.

Add a soulful singer to the mix, singing songs where the vocals dont sound 'forced', and you have an equation to keep the audience entertained with more than just the energy / dance vibe.

Also, i didn't imply that other bands should change, by adding horns or percussion. I implied that the style of music played by KS is much more pleasing to me (which i did say, to me), when horns and percussion is added.

I'm glad things worked out for everyone last night. The bar was happy with the surprising turn out. The band was happy with the crowds enthusiam. And we were happy with the band.

Plus's all around.

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Originally posted by secondtube:

Filling out the sound with horns or percussion is a great thing that I believe makes a constant drive sound more full.


Add a soulful singer to the mix, singing songs where the vocals dont sound 'forced', and you have an equation to keep the audience entertained with more than just the energy / dance vibe.

..but there are whole genres of music based on more minimalist approaches, and I doubt if the goal is a 'full sound' all the time. I draw more parallels to Plastikman/Richie Hawtin types than I do to traditional band-based house music. The 4 on the floor dance beat is rooted in disco but since Chicago house and the UK's Acid House have come and gone, it is but one fragment of what the 4 on the floor beat can mean these days.

Glad to hear it was a good show!

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i liked when they would slowly peter the groove out to just soft drumming,, and then kick intense drumjam out for a good 5-10 minutes,, they did that a couple times during the night,, so friggin tight,, that percussionists kit was great, lots of good drums n noises.

king sunshine is someone ill definitly go see again.

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