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Broken Social Scene > Dec 3rd, 4th Toronto


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Reminder that Broken Social Scene are playing both tonight and tomorrow at the Pheonix in Toronto. Both shows are fundraisers for the George Herman House.

BSS are literally one of THE best new bands out there at the moment. If you haven't checked them or their music out already, you should. Their album "You forgot it in people" is in my Top 5 of the year. Their show with the Stars this past summer at Lee's was one of my favorite of the year as well.

Click here to listen to some of their music.


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We know We know! We're trying to get down to tomorrow's show by hook or by crook. We may even rent a car for the night (Thurs.) which seems insane to me but the lady loves her Metric and her BSS. Personally I'd like to take in tonight's shows for all the crazy covers but the lure of Metric is strong. Also the BSS/Metric lineup is playing Ottawa on the 6th which would be a pity to miss- can't think of two more talented high charged performance based bands. Also BSS with Emily Haines and James Shaw (Metric) and my girl FEIST is the only way to see the band.

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So we're going tonight and couldn't be more pumped. Except if I weren't wretchedly hung over. I really am majorly excited. Still haven't heard 'I'm still your fag' for instance so I'm really hoping Whiteman plays that. Plus a double dose of Emily Haines and a single of Leslie Feist never hurts.

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