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bob wiseman shows

snarfmaster C

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ok, so he's opening for nero, but i can't make that show.... just checked his website for listings and that show isn't even posted. so, if anyone here has got the inside scoop on bobby's performances wanna post 'em here?!?!? (please?!)

i was surprised to see he's been playing toronto a few times lately and there's been no mention of it here. i know he's not a jammer but he's awesome! maybe i'll take it upon myself to keep the skanks informed... or maybe i'll smoke another joint and forget stuff [Roll Eyes]

if you're going to see nero - make sure you get there in time to see bob's set - without a doubt you'll be glad you did. yes, i'm talking to you

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the reason the flash side of my website (bobwiseman.ca) doesn't have the current dates is because i don't know how to do flash. there was a guy i hired who set up the site but now he is not really around. so until then i only know how to do the html side. sorry about that.

yes the upcoming tour with jim guthrie (from royal city), courtney wing and i will be great. jim will make music with his playstation and i will have some movies to perform to.

cha cha cha


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