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Traveling Wilburys

Guest Low Roller

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Traveling Wilburys Vol. 1. Written by all five men, it was recorded over a ten-day period in May 1988, and released on October 18, 1988. Roy Orbison died of a heart attack on December 6, 1988. In tribute to Orbison, the music video for "End of the Line" shows Orbison's guitar rocking in a chair as the rest of the group play, followed by a brief shot focusing on a framed picture of him. Despite Orbison's death, the remaining group members recorded a second and final studio album, which they intentionally mis-numbered Traveling Wilburys Vol. 3.

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After his 1991 tour of Japan, George Harrison spoke of a Traveling Wilburys tour:


That would be something I'd like to experience. I've always played around in my own mind what a Wilburys tour could be. Would each person do a solo set and then do Wilburys at the end, or would we all go right on from beginning to end and make everything Wilburys? It's an intriguing thought. We could have a great band up there and the four of us could play acoustic if we wanted to. We could all sing "Blowin' in the Wind" and Bob could sing "Something". Or we could just sing our individual songs and make them Wilbury tunes, as if we'd recorded them that way. Whatever it was, we could do it.


The Wilburys tour never came about. Tom Petty said about the Wilburys touring:


I think it would work, if we wanted to do it. I don't think we ever considered it, really. There were a lot of nights when the conversation would roll around to that. But I don't think anybody ever took it seriously. I think it would ruin it in a way. Then you're obligated to be responsible and it's not in the character of that group. It would make it very formal and that would be the wrong spirit.


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Guest Low Roller

Thanks for digging up the tour information CT. I knew that they never toured, however I was hoping that there was at least a one-shot appearance somewhere like a radio station, a coffee shop, or some other venue where the full line-up was captured on film. The documentary was pretty cool; I have never seen it before.

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I had always wished they'd had toured, or had a live performance. I remember making a shit-load of long distance calls in summer of '88 trying to get info on a live show or performance. When I first got the internet (2000) I went on a search for any non-studio recordings (video or audio) of the Wilburys, checking every torrent and Dylan trading site I could find. As I learned back then, they don't exist.


Though there is circulating footage of different members playing a track or two together at each other's shows throughout the years. But nothing of the entire band other than that of the official documentary (above) and the official videos.


I did find a copy of the studio outtakes of volume one and volume three though.  http://www.phishhook.com/view/details.php?recID=4549403

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Is any of that part of the mythical "Volume 2" bootleg?


Not really sure to be honest. I know I've seen it on different trading sites with less or additional tracks (typically always alt. takes or official tracks of vol. one only) and labelled as volume two or volume four. Usually though these different versions are only repackaged copies of the circulating outtakes with a scattering of official tracks from either Dylan or Wilbury albums or both as filler.


 A few different versions from the 'Bob's Boots' website (probably more though):


Volume 2 > http://www.bobsboots.com/CDs/cd-t42.html

Volume 2 (beta) >http://www.bobsboots.com/CDs/cd-t41.html

Volume 4 (Bel Air sessions) > http://www.bobsboots.com/CDs/cd-t58.html

Volume 4 > http://www.bobsboots.com/CDs/cd-t44.html

Volume 4 > http://www.bobsboots.com/CDs/cd-t43.html

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