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Question of the Day 02-17-03


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If you were to have a movie made about you what would it be called and who would play you?

My movie would be called Almost Famous and would star Kate Hudson.... Hahaha

More originally - My movie would be called "26 Years, 23 Houses" and would star Uma Thurmon.

Honestly, I was counting yesterday and realized that I've lived in 23 different places in my 26 years. My friends phone books are full of my old numbers. [Eek!]

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My movie would probally be called.................

Mushrooms : Our magical friends

A documentary on the mental and physical affects of these magic little buddies of ours.

This guy would probally play me(haven't got his name)


It could even become a after-school special designed to scare the hell out of kids.

Good Q of the D BTW [big Grin]

Esau13 [big Grin]

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such a mind bogglin' question! almost too good to be true!

my movie would be entitled "A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Taste", featuring said album as the soundtrack and i would be played by either Rosie Perez or, a youngish Robert Duvall... my brother would be portrayed by Viggo Mortensen and i'd always call him "Aragorn" just to piss him off!

some might call it an action-thriller, but i like to refer to it as 'boredom epitomized'

if i asked you for an autograph, ms. h, could you sign it "to you, with love and kisses, uma?" [Wink]

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Mine would be called:

"Bluegrassy Scars" - the daunting story of my tortured existence living with the "friendship" of Andre Bouchard - finally revealed in this epic 3 hour masterpiece directed by Martin Scorcese.

Al Pacino as Dr.Huxtable, Robin Williams as Booche....


..and featuring, in his big-screen acting debut, Bill Gates as Mike "Bouche" Bouchard!!


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