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so i got screwed on the cincy skybox tickets [Mad]

but theres new hope,, my friends gonna front me a case or two of glass to sell in the lot to make some dough and grab a ticket there.... so what i wanna know is A) what are my chances of slingin pipes and not gettin pinched? B) think ill make enough to grab a ridiculous scalper? and C) think its worth going last minute effort all out?

any opinions/advice would be great [big Grin]

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would i lie to ya?

i also bought two tickets to the Everyone Orchestra Saturday night.

I'm taking Little T, but i have this weird feeling she may drop out.

I told Ken I could use my extra Saturday night ticket as leverage for a Friday night ticket that he needs (ie. trade) OR trade the ticket for a bag of dank nuggets but if your gonna go, its yours...


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