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A selective NYE phish review


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Hey all, Happy New Year!

Firstly, I would like to wish all of you sanctuarians the most beautiful, healthy new year. I thought of this board several times during the 4 night run...and am thankful to be part of this great community. Living in Newfoundland, its about the only jamband scene i have in my day to day affairs, and give huge props to all those who keep it afloat.

Anyhow to miami.....

most heads seemed to be staying downtown, or southbeach,...but the prices were ridiculous...we managed to grab a hotel for 500 Canadian taxes in for five nights, which is pretty solid. we were by the airport but there were about 25 or so phans there making it a nice tight community.

get to the show...

shakedown- amazing. seriously,...probably one of the best shakedowns i have ever been to. tons of vendors...huge lot. the food had everything from pad thai to sushi to your grillies. nugs were by far the most elusive thing on the lot...with everyone saying there are no nugs...this is miami! you could not go five steps without being offered mushrooms, molly (sp?), or rolls. This was consistent for all four nights. So for all of you who lugged your wares out there...to help feed and spin some folk...thanks. the interesting part of the scene was ...three card monte... and the cocaine dealers...swinging bags of coke on the lot like they were dealing cards!. only in miami! So pretty much you combine phish with a city like that and you can imagine the scene it created.

best t-shirt- 'i saw you with an $800 ticket stub in your hand'

sound- amazing...heard not one fan complain of bad sound...,

venue, a great place to see shows, not one bad seat, and everyone feels close to the band

December 28th

Personally my favourite show of all four nights. Take this with a grain of salt the other shows were fun, but I'm not much of an 'antic' guy. i just want to see phish...and want them to 'take me to that place'.

The first set was amazing. Personally i think they planned the beginning of the setlist. Bowie, sample, tweezer, then bouncing. I think they purposefully alternated two crazy jam tunes with two songs you often hear fans complaining about. Just trying to say...hey we are no longer doing the standard setlist and song placement things...we are going to play whatever and just enjoy yourself...its ALL good. When the AC DC Bag came on and the lines 'lets get the show on the road' came up, this reaffirmed my thoughts. The Bag was the highlight of the set, and just plain amazing. The bowie was tight, the tweezer was good, but seemed to be lacking something... and when fishman ran around the stage about four times after love you, the place was just so full of fun. thats one comment i'll make now before i forget...the band is having fun! I've never seen them so loose on stage, they are obviously enjoying themselves more than i can remember seeing. Probably has to do with the less intense touring schedule.

Even with a gotta jiboo and harry in the second...get the tapes for water in the sky and friday. the water in the sky was so dreamy and beautiful...unlike anything i have heard trey play...it just was so, so good! Probably the song of the night when I thought... this is what brings me back. the friday continued this ....crowd was quiet and respectful... this tune is developing quickly....way better than any version i have heard of this song.

sleeping monkey, LOVING CUP! what a beautiful buzz.

December 29

Least favourite show of the run.

Piper _how great an opener is that! but still lacked some energy...i wouldn't be surprised if they shelved this one for a while.

Foam- awesome! my first foam.! On the stats page i had something like a .05% chance of not hearing this tune (albeit that is a bit skewered as they played it so much early on). great to hear.

anyhow skip a couple....highlight...limb by limb ...if you are a fan of this tune then you should hear this version...it was fantabulous. Cavern was the other highlight...hadn’t herd that since jazzfest 96 in new orleans.

Second set

beginning...was simply great. Rock and Roll rocked...the beginning of Twist was spooky, fun and interesting all at once. fun fun twist. boogie on was solid and the beginning of ghost had everyone in this phunky phantastic groove. but then it happened... someone unleashed a ton of glowsticks...I have never seen the band stop such a solid jam before....it went from the groove to this slow, low energy, bad jam with kind of blank stares on the bands faces ( i was 12 rows up paiges side). i honestly thought they were going to walk off stage... I am very anti-glowstick wars (DWG- down with glowsticks) so maybe i was reading a bit to much into this...but then again the guy who was grooving so hard beside me...stopped his grooving at exactly the same time i did looks around then turns to me and just says glowsticks while shakin his head. it took the band about half an hour i would say to get back into it , and i never felt they fully did get back into it. In my opinion this is why they came back on with the 'waste' encore...then left the stage, i feel it was reactionary to how they were feeling...the crowd managed to give off huge great energies however and pull them back onto the stage for coil...and wow what a treat that was, especially being so close to the keys.

This affair prompted me to wear a flowery please dont throw glowsticks sign the next night, which was met with some interesting debate, and the general feeling of 'its getting better'. i dont know it just sucks to be grooving and get a glowstick in the back of the head...i thought we learned not to do that sort of thing in elementary school,..., anyhow sorry for the rant.

Dec 30

good fun show. my highlight was when the parliament came out on stage and it appeared to me (although I was at the back of the lower section head on ) that this teenager/young adult with special needs was grooving on stage with phish and parliament! The dude was so into it and just getting down ….then these two guys come on stage after about three or four minutes and escort this guy off! I’m like why would they do that? Everyone was just sharing in the groove….anyhow Trey looks over, sees the guy being taken away, puts down his guitar and runs off stage, he then quickly returns, followed by the dude! I would say about ten or so people in my whole section saw this, and we were all cheering like mad at the return. Big smile and thanks to trey for chasing down the kid and bringing him back. Anyhow then trey just turns to this kid, who was just kinda into at this point…then trey just lets loose channelling everything through this kid…playing right at him….the kid just went nuts. It was beautiful, fun, and fantastic. Highlight of the show.

New Year’s Eve

Great Show….I would put it right behind the 28th. Although jam of the run could definitely be the chalkdust>slave>chalkdust. The first part of slave was just so gorgeous. It was old school, then new school, then just this amazing escapade of music. It is a must, must hear. Moma Dance, YEM, also stand out as excellent jams. Never been a big fan of guyute, but is was solidly played if you’re a fan. As for the third set, I cant believe I’m saying this but I liked the simple jam better even than runaway jim, and yes a personal favourite antelope. The reba was damn amazing, tight and spacy at the same time.

Anyhow for those of you who have read to this point…thanks for the hugs, the memories and the great year!

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