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Shaker Bus: Ottawa Stop?


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Originally uttered by Farley:


If you wanna start confirming some names for me, I'll find out how much it would cost to get a stop in Ottawa.

OK*, time to speak up: Assuming there's a bus to the Shaker, and you live in Ottawa:

1. Would you go on the bus if it stopped in Ottawa?

2. Would you go to the Shaker if the bus didn't stop in Ottawa?

3. If it didn't stop in Ottawa, but could stop somewhere else (e.g., Montreal, or maybe Kingston), would you go on it? (And/or where would you like it to stop?)

Note that I'm looking for semi-serious confirmations (subject to whatever logistical rearrangements can arise between now and the end of May, of course). Finances and schedules will be arranged based on this, so respond strongly and seriously.

For me:

1. Yes!

2. I'd like to, but I'd have to scrounge a ride.

3. I'd go if it stopped in Montreal.



* Ottawa Kidz

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Greyhound changed their price...without explanation...over $10,000 for the charter they said with no stop in Ottawa...the charter that is being considered/or is being used will work out to $160 a head with 47 needed...(this is off the top of my head,I need to speak to Farley again before I make an official post) to stop in Ottawa along the way would make the price go right up,it has been thought out carefully...

As I said I will make the updated post tonight.

Sorry folks but thats the story right now.

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Ok...I spoke to Farley and explained this problem and he is goin to make a few calls tomorrow and find some things out,so tomorrow I will have some more info on a stop in Ottawa (if theres enough interest) if it is possible.

Stayed tuned tomorrow.

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