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you're dealing with a streaming file if its buffering, that means you don't download it ahead of time, it streams from the server to your computer

RealPlayer I've found has come leaps and bounds in dealing with streaming... if you're talking .wmv files I don't know if RealPlayer plays them... if you want to improve how Windows Media Player performs I guess look for a newer version

the problem is in how busy the server is, how much memory you have and how fast your connection is... better sites will offer you a low speed connection (usually with lesser quality) which shouldn't act as choppy for you... newer software checks your optimum speed for you

personally I'd download RealPlayer (free) just to see if that helps

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I've been waiting for a reply here,since the same happens with me when using windows media player occaisonally.

I do agree that you have to download it all before playing,thats how I get around the buffering shit,although Real media plays .wmv files and just about any other files(even D.A.T files) but is in my expirence no better than windows media player,in fact I find real media player to be the most annoying of all the players,too long to load,overirdes alot of other medias,freezes up alot more and the free version is prone to constant spyware and occasional pop ups etc.

I so far have found winamp player to be the best,alot less problems,but thats my opinion,in no way am I argueing with anyone.

All I do now-a-days is when the stream starts,I stop it or pause it and let it fully finish the buffering before playing it,once I do that I have zero problems with windows media player.

Outside of that I have no insight for you,I have a P2 512 ram,almost my 30 gigs filled and when I let just load I can have three bit torrents goin, and be downloading from archive track by track and play video all at the same time on windows media player,but when I use RMP theres nothing but problems.

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agreed Esau, I always was a RealPlayer hater, but since I got the new version with my new computer and am running it under XP it works better than most programs for me (even my beloved Winamp)

a lot of times with .ram or such files you can't save them so you're stuck streaming...

I was truly dissapointed that Winamp streaming files (.mpu) never really took off

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