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RS: short, new, uninformative Phish article


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Funny, I read that the other day and thought it was an example of some serious high-end journalism. I found it highly informative and thought it had some choice Trey quotes. Jesse Jarnow is obviously both an expert on Phish and on the very current 'news' story that this piece is telling. He also manages to be mainstream and esoteric at the same time. Good article!

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I never said that it wasn't well-written.

But we've known about Seis de Mayo for a long time. We've known that Phish is going to record their new album with Tchad Blake, and we've known that Real World Studios would be involved. The Trey quotations are, indeed, good ones. My point is that if you are a Phish fan, there isn't much here that is "news".

As for Jesse Jarnow, he's been around the Phish scene for as long as I can remember. He's a frequent contributor to jambands.com and the Pharmer's Almanac.

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