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Sat. Mar. 6 at the Lanc in Kitchener ...

mark tonin

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Thanks for the kind words, and thanks to everyone who made it out to the show! It was lots of fun! Special thanks to the giver gang, the out-of-town travellers, all of the happy dancers, the hand drummers (was it just me or was that drum circle extra-intense!), my Harvard Mouse band mates, Friends of Hefner for some great songs and grooves, my co-promoter Jen Evans, Mark Wilson, all of the people that helped with promo, the door, sound, etc., and everyone else ... now I know that I didn't forget anyone [big Grin][Wink]

FYI here is the Harvard Mouse setlist:

Man Smart, Women Smarter

Cleaning Windows

Burden of the Angel Beast >

New Speedway Boogie

Art Trip >

China Cat > Rider

Deep Elem Blues

Sympathy for the Devil

Good Lovin'

It's always a bit stressful putting on a show, but when people come out and have a good time, it makes it all worthwhile. I am very much looking forward to the cats, dogs and mice show on April 2 ... it should be an extra-special one.

Peace, Mark

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Great show.... and great night!

It was so good to drum with the drum club again.... missed you guys lately!

I met so many people from this board.... but I really suck at remembering names, so make sure to say hello again next time I see you. [Razz]

I danced my ass off, thank you musicians for the opportunity... and thanks Mark for your multiple roles in the evening.

Good times!

[big Grin]

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Ya, me too...........to everything. Mark, thanks for the putting on a great show. GREAT energy in that room. Seemed like everyone was always smiling and dancin'. Harvard Mouse sounded great - getting tighter everytime I hear them and Friends of Hefner was a bunch of FUN!

So nice to see everyone.....thanks Tigger for sharing dinner and your thoughts on Vietnamese wives with us. And the give'r gang and Rick, Anti-Cary, Scott and oh shit, I forget your other roommates name (you guys should work on a "group" name) for helping supply the laughs.....if those dresses aren't in style within the next month there's definetely something amiss.

All in all a splendid night


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