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Websites you can't go a day (week) without


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I lost all my favs in a recent XP transition.

I pretty much got all of them back in the favs. Anything I should add to the list? Give us your favourites.

Note: no need to include this site, sharinthegroove, btetree.org or the onion (last week's was brillant "Jesus demands more creative control over next movie")


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I check www.grouphug.us at least once a week. It truly lifts my spirits.

I also truly love:

www.tsn.ca for hockey news

www.nhl.com for even more hockey

www.thestar.com for the Toronto connection

www.canucks.com for their great postgame wrapups

www.freewillastrology.com weekly for the world's best horoscopes

http://mdn.mainichi.co.jp/waiwai/ - japanese sex news! i love it...

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