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Derek just paid around $3000 on the paint job so even $5000 is kinda low.

Andy you can bet I will win in court, no dates have been set as of yet I actaully haven't even been served papers as of yet. Not to mention my dynomite representation at VECHERIK & ASSOCIATES with Eassau, Jeff and Mr. Powers himself. I'm not worried in the least!

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OMG!! Tell me that you're not talking about beerbottle from Acton???

That's my home town and he was like a hippie-hero there! Even me - a clean cut preppy girl back then, could recognize him at a glance. Though I have to admit, if we're talking about the same guy, I never did know his real name...or if he even had one!

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Originally posted by Kitari:

OMG!! Tell me that you're not talking about beerbottle from Acton???

That's my home town and he was like a hippie-hero there! Even me - a clean cut preppy girl back then, could recognize him at a glance. Though I have to admit, if we're talking about the same guy, I never did know his real name...or if he even had one!

We are positively speaking about the same person, how many hairy freaks from Acton could be nicknamed Beerbottle!!!

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