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Will this guy ever f__kin go away!!!


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BERLIN (AP) - The head of Germany's foreign intelligence agency said in an interview published Saturday that he believes Osama bin Laden ( news - web sites) is still alive and hiding along the border between Afghanistan ( news - web sites) and Pakistan.

Reuters Photo

August Hanning, the head of the Federal Intelligence Service, also estimated that more than 5,000 supporters of al-Qaida and Afghanistan's ousted Taliban militia remain in Afghanistan and neighboring Pakistan, while many others have returned to their homelands.

"They are preparing attacks from their new locations — they will try everything to strike again," he was quoted as saying in the Welt am Sonntag newspaper. "We must be prepared for that."

He referred to no specific plans.

Bin Laden and his al-Qaida terrorist network are held responsible for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the United States. Shortly after the attacks, Bush said he wanted bin Laden "dead or alive."

Since then, Bush and other U.S. officials have played down the search for bin Laden, saying the more important goal is disrupting al-Qaida and preventing future attacks.

"As our knowledge stands, we are convinced that bin Laden is still alive, in the border region of Afghanistan and Pakistan," Hanning was quoted as saying.

"He is still the symbolic figurehead of al-Qaida, but apparently moves around little and when he does, in a very secretive manner," Hanning added, without elaborating.

Last Monday, President Bush ( news - web sites) said he does not know whether bin Laden is dead or alive.

German security agencies have worked closely with their counterparts in the United States to investigate the Sept. 11 attacks after it emerged that three of the suicide hijackers had lived undetected in Hamburg.

Hanning said bin Laden was consulted in planning for major al-Qaida attacks "but he did not operationally prepare the actions, and probably didn't even know all the details of the preparations."

He added the preparations for Sept. 11 "didn't cost much more than $1 million."

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It's too bad that the newest war in America, no, not the War on Drugs, nor the War on Illiteracy, nor the War on Poverty, nor the War on Hunger, but the War on Terrorism has vaulted a very serious dude and his henchmen to caricature status, to the point that we no longer care, nor even consider him to be real. Can't wait for the next round of carnage (not!).

And why do they keep declaring war on things they can't control. Silly fuckers are ruining the whole party for everyone. They're like those guys in highschool from some of the sporting teams who just showed up at people's houses on Friday nights, pushed the freshmen out of the kitchen, trashed the decor and left their puke everywhere. I wish globally, we were all a little more concerned. I certainly don't want to clean up anyone's mess on such a huge scale.

p. [Confused]

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Sarahbelle, i have to disagree with the fact that therte was any doubrt that he was responsible for the dive bombing of the twin towers and the pentagon. He was in that video admitting to it and that is incontravertable (sp?) evidence. So he IS responsible. And as far as the whole Gulf war is concerned, Bush SR. SHOULD have persued the matter to the fullest and made sure that Saddam was killed or apprehended because the US's main concern now is that Iraq has the ability to make Nuclear weapons with him at the helm. He should have been iliminated the first time and now the US Has already learned their lesson and are following through to make sure that ten years down the road, when Osama is all but forgotten, he doesn't achieve the ability to make nukes and drop them on the USA. Being right next door to a nuclear war is not high on my favourite things to do list.

So if a billion dollar quest to OFF this guy and his organization is what it takes to assure that my children and i get to live out a full holocost-free life, than so be it.

My Two Cents.

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the chomsky book davey-boy speaks of is a good read, although a bit confusing. (email interviews with journalists that don't speak or write english very well). oh well. there's many copies for sale at octopus books at bank and third in the glebe in ottawa.



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Noam was on CBC Newsworld the other night talking about 911. He is more anti-American than ever! The guy interviewing him was anti-Noam.

There's a war on???!!! Since when? All CNN talks about is the pledge of alleigance bullshizzy. ?


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Originally posted by Esquandolas:

[QB]So if a billion dollar quest to OFF this guy and his organization is what it takes to assure that my children and i get to live out a full holocost-free life, than so be it.QB]

Hey, just want to say I agree with your sentiment on an emotional level but feel compelled to add that knocking off Bin Laden and "his organization" only makes the world a SLIGHTLY safer place in the SHORT TERM. If only wiping out Al-Qaeda would leave this world a truly safe place! And to spend your resources and power trying to "off" an innumerable number of potential threats in the future is a foolish game, because the hunter can never catch all that prey. It seems insane to think that he could.

Better to boldly revise foreign policy approaches and consider all the options that haven't seemed feasible before due to invested oil interests and political maneouvering, combined with money and ego. That would be a good lesson to learn and would be a valuable outcome of 9/11 (of course, all of this is only my opinion!).

But I don't think that's gonna happen.

Now, who's at the Fatties on Tuesday??

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I think that the more that we fall into this *Osama* hating, the more we fall into what George Bush wants. Don't forget, this person is a human being... and who knows exactly who was responsible for the attacks. ..it's just trying to get people to hate the Middle east so Mr. Bush so he can 'protect' his precious country and still come out as a fearless leader.



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Who knows if Osama is really alive or not!

As long as the propaganda machine protrays him as being still alive and kicking, but in hiding, the Americans will still have pretty much free reign to do whatever they want and continue to stick their fingers in as many other peoples pies as they want. In some ways the horrible tragedy on Sept 11 was a blessing for the usa becuase now they can do whatever they want and no one is going to question them because they are the victims...

I believe that Bin Laden will turn up dead whenever Bush is done with him. Once the US has finished with their middle east agenda I'm sure THEN, Mr. Laden will turn up one way or another...

Remember Sadam? Kinda funny how that all turned out...

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It really doesn't matter if he's dead or alive. You can kill the man but not the idea. It's my opinion that the US strategically probably doesn't want him dead at this point, because that is perceived as the endgame, and if he turns up dead, where does the US go from there? (Probably anywhere they want, any way they want, given Bush's simplistic arrogant posturing on this subject: "you're either with us or you're for the terrorists". Eat me, George!)


Originally posted by CyberHippie:

In some ways the horrible tragedy on Sept 11 was a blessing for the usa becuase now they can do whatever they want and no one is going to question them because they are the victims

Exactly, Trevor. Or at least, that is how the Bush team percieves its position, as I see it. Now, instead of learning a stark harsh lesson about the complexities of the relationship of the US hegemony to multiple but strong opposing international factions, Cowboy George has decided to dig deeper into his Judeo-Christian outlook and approach to settling these issues. Which is not helpful.

So, let's review Georgie's world: Iraq bad, Suadi Arabia good. China good, Cuba bad. Israeli leadership good and strong, Palestinian leadership bad and weak. All of these approaches are rooted in the economic and/or (Evangelical)-Christian based interests of the US. Don't be fooled into thinking Georgie has any base interest in promoting justice or peace. Not from a man who enthusiastically fried over a hundred of his Texan citizens while he was Guv'ner. Not when he can't even sign on to an International Criminal Court for fear international justice may expose his own country's failings.

These are obviously just my opinions and I'm fully aware and happy there will be plenty of disagreement.

Now, back to Phish 4/4/98......

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